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Learning Model

Talbot School is the first community school in the state of Maine.  Our community school model is funded in large part by a grant from the United Way. This grant funds our Community School Coordinator who is spearheading the implementation plan. The two primary goals of our plan are to improve student outcomes in reading, math, and English language, and to increase parent engagement to address the impacts of toxic stress on the community. Our school also houses a branch of the Portland Public Library, a Greater Portland Health dental office, and space for the Recreation Department of Portland Parks and Recreation, including a community swimming pool. Our grounds include tennis courts, a basketball court, an accessible playscape for children of all abilities, and multiple ball fields. Gardens planted by students dot the area and a community garden has been established.   

Teachers at Talbot use a rigorous standards-based curriculum to teach reading, writing and math skills. We promote student curiosity and engagement in learning about the natural world through inquiry-based science units driven by the Next Generation Science Standards. Other initiatives we continue to implement at Talbot to address the whole child include PBIS, Second Step, Art, Music, and Physical Education. 

For more specific information about our school and procedures, please see our Family Handbook.

Multilingual and Multicultural Center

If you need help translating this information into another language, please:

contact the Multilingual and Multicultural Center

Family Handbook

For more specific information about our school and procedures, please:

View Our Family Handbook