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Family Partnership Policy

Talbot Community School strives to partner with our families to shape the future of our community by inspiring and supporting today’s learners. We understand that students, families and educators share a unique bond and that by working together we are better able to support and encourage our students for success in school and beyond. The purpose of this policy is to provide valuable information about how we strive to engage with our families and welcome them into our community. We encourage you to become as involved in our school community as your time permits. We welcome and value your thoughts and insights. Your contributions are critical to our success.

School Events

One of our school-wide goals is to design partnership initiatives that build capacity among families and schools while supporting student learning. There are many opportunities for family and school partnership including:

  • Back to School Popsicle Party- School-wide celebration at the start of the school year
  • Open House-Opportunity to see your child’s classroom and meet the teachers, administrators, staff and other families and students. 


Talbot Community School uses a variety of methods to communicate with families to ensure that they stay well informed of their child’s progress and happenings in the school. In addition to the events above, here are some ongoing ways you can find out what’s going on at Talbot School:

  • School website:
  • Facebook page
  • Principal’s Newsletter-sent out digitally monthly and translated through S’more. Includes information about what is happening at school, important dates and more

Title I Partnership Three Way Commitments

Gerald E Talbot Community School and the parents of students participating in activities, services and programs funded by Title 1 agree that this compact outlines how the staff, parents and students  will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve high standards.  We ask that everyone collaborate with us to ensure the success of our students by committing to the following: