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Letter from the Principal- April 2023

April 1, 2023


Dear Talbot Families,

Greetings from Talbot Community School and Happy Spring! Thank you for attending your child’s conference recently. It was heartwarming to see so many smiles on parent/caregiver’s faces as students proudly shared what they have been learning.


Talbot Community School is 100% committed to helping all students grow socially and academically. Our teachers, support staff, and students work extremely hard to make the most of students’ learning experiences each and every day at school. Our students, families, bus drivers, office staff, custodians, teachers, administrators and support staff work together to bring out the very best in our children and each other. I am thoroughly convinced that Talbot School has the best students in the world! Thank you for your kindness, smiles, and support.


Talbot recently hosted a Homework Diner with an interactive parent and student workshop on the topic: Finding Balance with Media and Tech Use at Home. It was presented by Talbot Teacher Librarian, Meg Rooks and PPS' Technology Integration Coordinator, Courtney Graffius and focused on creating family intentions to have a balance of healthy activities, some of which include quality screen time. The workshop resources are included below for anyone who would like to review them. Please look for additional future opportunities in the next school year on the topic of digital citizenship and wellbeing!


Finding Media Balance slide decks From Finding Balance with Media and Tech Use at Home Homework Diner workshop, includes translations

Common Sense Media website Demonstrated at Homework Diner. Available in Spanish too. Create an account to receive newsletters and topics of interest to your inbox.

Tips by Text Sign up to receive weekly brief tips by text. A good way to have regular bite-sized information to learn more about navigating our media rich world as parents!


Hannaford Helps

It's that time again! We're excited to partner with Hannaford Helps Schools program this year. The 2023 program will run from March 12 through May 27. NEW for 2023, Hannaford will be moving to online redemption making it even easier for you to participate. Deposit School Dollars online using the Hannaford Helps Schools app to donate to Talbot school! But don’t worry, they are not doing away with paper redemption. Stores will continue to have a collection tower by the registers and all School Dollars collected there will be combined and split amongst participating schools.


Elementary Student Climate Survey

The Student Climate Survey is a survey used to understand how students feel about their school. School staff will use the information in their efforts to improve the school experience for ALL students. The survey for elementary students includes 11 questions and is only completed by students in grades 3, 4, and 5. Individual student’s answers to the questions are anonymous and will not be known to anyone at Talbot. If you do not wish for your child to participate in this important activity, please inform their classroom teacher. The survey will be given to students the week of April 10th. Thank you!



Birthday Reminder

Parents/caregivers are welcome to send a healthy, nut-free snack for their child’s class in honor of a birthday. Because we are a 5-2-1-0 school, sugary treats are strongly discouraged. It is appreciated if you could please let your child’s teacher know of your plans in advance. Also, students may only hand out birthday party invitations at school if all students in the class are being invited to a student’s personal celebration


April Vacation

We want to remind you there is No School April 14-21 for April vacation. School will be back in session on Monday, April 24.



Last Day of School
For your planning purposes, the official last student day of school is Wednesday, June 21st. It will be half day of school for students with dismissal at 11:10.



Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday, April 5 , Early Dismissal, 1:10
  • Friday, April 6, Grade 5 field trip to the STEM Expo
  • Monday, April 10, Student Climate Survey opens for grades 3, 4, 5
  • Wednesday, April 12, Early Dismissal, 1:10
  • Wednesday, April 12, Portland House of Pizza Restaurant Night!
  • Thursday, April 13 , PTO meeting, 5:30 in person at Talbot in the media center
  • Friday, April 14-Friday, April 21- Spring Vacation Week
  • Wednesday, April 26, Early Dismissal, 1:10





Ann Hanna
