School buses are considered moving classrooms where all school rules apply. Riding the school bus is a privilege and not a right. Please review the School Bus Conduct and Safety Instructions with your child. This information is in your “Back to School” packet. Any student who does not follow the student bus conduct code may be disciplined and/or lose their privilege to ride the bus. If this happens, parents/guardians will be responsible for transporting the student to and from school.
Please see Portland Public Schools policy for student bus conduct.
Bus time and stop information is sent to parents on a postcard from Transportation prior to the start of the school year. The Transportation Department can be contacted at 874-8240.
Crossing guards are on duty at the light by the Fire Department both during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal.
Bus transportation is provided for all Kindergarten students who live more than a half-mile from school. PLEASE NOTE: Kindergarten students MUST be met at the bus stop by a parent or guardian in order to be allowed off the bus. In the event a kindergarten student is not met by a parent or guardian at the bus stop, the student will be returned to school and the parent/guardian is expected to pick the student up at school promptly.
Students in grades 1 through 5 must live more than one mile from school to be eligible for bus transportation. Only eligible students are permitted to ride the bus.
Special education students or students with medical issues who do not meet the distance requirement will be transported per the documentation in their Individual Educational Programs (IEPs).