Every Talbot Community School student has the right to come to school safely, be at school safely and go home safely. Every student has the responsibility to follow school rules and maintain a safe presence at all times. The Talbot Staff strives to create a culture of safety. Parents are encouraged to help their children respect authority, fellow students and the property of others. An appropriate discipline system is crucial to effective teaching and learning.
At Talbot Community School, we practice Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS). PBIS is a system of tools and strategies for defining, teaching, acknowledging appropriate behavior, and correcting inappropriate behavior. PBIS is for the whole school, it is preventative, and it changes the paradigm of focus from negative behaviors and exchanges to positive expectations and interactions. School-wide means that we support appropriate behaviors in classroom and non-classroom areas (bathrooms, playground, hallways). The goal is to create an environment that sets ALL students up for success. For your child’s safety, Talbot School has the following rules to guide appropriate student behavior:
- Be Safe
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be Cooperative
Children are reminded and redirected when they are not complying with school rules. This provides an opportunity for discussing possible alternatives available for the student to correct the problem. An Office Discipline Referral (ODR) form is written by a staff member describing inappropriate behavior when the student is unable to be redirected or is involved in behavior that is unsafe. Students receiving a major ODR will be called to the office. One of the administrators will review the referral with the student, then assist them in filling out a “Think About It” sheet. Our goal is to help students learn new behavior as a result of these consequences.
Unacceptable Behavior: Students who break school rules will have consequences which may include:
- Conferencing with staff or administration
- Restorative circle
- Notifying parents/guardians
- Loss of privileges; time out of class
- Restricted recess or lunch
- Writing an apology or other restitution
- Community service
- A request for a meeting with parents/guardian
Fighting, overt student disruption, bullying, use of foul language toward others, vandalism of school property, leaving an assigned area, throwing objects in anger and hitting staff members are all considered to be serious matters and will not be tolerated. In cases of serious or repeated misbehavior, students may be suspended from school. Parents/guardians are responsible for paying for any school or other student’s property that is lost or damaged by their child. Suspensions may be “in house” or “at home.” After a suspension, parents must meet with the teacher and administration before the student returns to regular classes.
Parents/guardians will be informed when school staff is concerned about your child’s behavior. You can support your child’s efforts to improve behavior by communicating with school personnel.