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Immunizations are required unless the student is exempted for medical reasons, which requires a note from a doctor. Effective September 1, 2021, the only exemption allowed will be medical. Spiritual and philosophical exemptions will no longer be accepted. All children, other than those medically exempt, will need to be up-to-date on their immunizations to remain in school. Under-immunized and non-immunized students may be excluded from school in case of an outbreak of a disease for which the student lacks immunizations. Questions concerning these requirements may be directed to the school nurse. If your child receives immunization updates during the school year, please bring a copy of the updates to the school nurse for inclusion in your child’s health record. If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse, Lynn Pelletier, 874-8210, ext 7005. You may also visit the following link for more information.

Portland Public Schools Immunization Requirements