The placement of students into classrooms is a task that Talbot staff do with great thought and care. Our goal is to establish balanced classrooms where all students can be successful. The classrooms are balanced based on the number of students, gender, academic abilities, behavior goals, English Language Learners, and students with special needs. Your child’s teachers from last year have a great deal of knowledge about each child’s strengths, needs, personalities, behaviors and learning styles. All of this information is taken into consideration when placing a student, and building positive classroom communities. In addition, teachers make sure students will have a positive role model and at least one friend in their new classroom. We encourage students to make new friends while also having a familiar face on the first day of school. The assignment of staff is done by the building administrators by the middle of August, when all staff are in place. We are unable to honor any requests from parents regarding a specific teacher selection or class peer. Please understand that changes to class lists and teacher assignments are still possible due to the fluid nature of the process. If a change needs to happen to your child’s homeroom assignment, we will let you know as soon as possible. Please know that all Talbot staff are Highly Qualified under “No Child Left Behind.”