The breakfast and lunch programs are FREE for ALL students. This serving model ensures that all students have the nutrients and energy needed throughout the day to learn better, behave better, and perform better in school. In addition to breakfast upon arrival, a healthy snack will be provided to students each morning, and a nutritious lunch will be available for all students, including a vegan option. The cost for lunch is free for all students. Application forms are sent home during the first week of school or can be picked up at the school office any time during the school year. Although all students will receive free lunch, it is very important that parents still fill out the forms and return them to the school.
It is the responsibility of ALL children to clean their area, deposit their trash and wash their hands before and after eating. Additionally, students are expected to follow our Talbot school rules during meals and snacks and to follow our expectations: “Be safe, Be responsible, Be cooperative, Be respectful.” This includes putting all waste and recyclables in the containers provided, leaving the tables and floor clean and wiping their table and seat.
Food Service Information and Resources
Please see School Board policies on Nutrition Standards and Wellness at: