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the control, custody and supervision of the school, even when they are assigned to individual students. School officials have the authority to inspect and search storage facilities and their contents on a random basis, with or without reasonable suspicion, and without notice or consent. Locks are not permitted on student lockers at any time. School officials may also search students’ wallets, purses, backpacks, pockets, and other property when they have a reasonable suspicion that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated or is violating the law, School Committee policies, and/or school rules. Illegal and/or prohibited items such as firearms, weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, stolen property, or other items determined to be a threat to the safety or security of the school will be seized and the student’s parent/guardian notified.  Evidence may be forwarded to law enforcement as deemed appropriate by school officials, even if the search was initiated for school purposes.