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Traffic Safety

The movement of children on the school grounds and sidewalks can be unpredictable.  Drivers are reminded to be alert at all times. For the safety of our children and staff, please observe all traffic and parking rules. A speed limit of 15 miles per hour is in effect during school opening and dismissal times. Signs clearly mark bus zones and car zones. Cars should approach all areas slowly and with caution. Just a reminder – it is illegal to pass a bus with flashing red lights, whether on or off school grounds. NO CARS ARE PERMITTED IN THE BUS CIRCLE IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL. PLEASE TAKE CARE NOT TO OBSTRUCT THE CROSS WALKS OR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS WITH YOUR CAR. The Police Department would also like to remind us that parking is not allowed on either side of the main entrance road from Forest Avenue down to the crosswalk, nor is it permitted on the streets adjacent to the school. The smaller automobile loop is reserved for short duration parking and for dropping off of Bridge and PK students. When parking, please respect the crosswalk and the spaces that are reserved for vehicles bearing "handicapped” plates. Employees and long-term visitors are to park in the large lot below the building. Parking behind the school is not permitted; this is a fire lane. The access road next to the gym is for “Authorized Vehicles Only” and is NOT to be used.

Students who ride their bikes to school must lock up the bike at the rack located at the front of the building. ALL students must wear a helmet when riding their bikes to school. 

Students walking to school must use the sidewalks.

Your cooperation in observing these safety regulations is greatly appreciated and is in the best interest of all who use Talbot School facilities.