Talbot has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities. Parents and community members may choose to work in a classroom, perform clerical duties, assist in the media center or work at home on various projects. We NEED your help!!
As a school volunteer, you do not need to have a teaching certificate or special training. You do need a completed application on file and be willing to work under the direction of a teacher or administrator. It is also critical to recognize the confidentiality of relationships between staff members and children.
When you make a commitment as a school volunteer, it is important to remember that the children, teachers and fellow committee members are counting on you. When you are unable to meet your commitment, please call the school secretary before school begins and ask her to notify the appropriate teacher that you will be unable to come. If you know that you will be out for a long period of time, please make prior arrangements with the teacher. Please see the School Board’s Volunteer policies here.